Northern PR Network in Oslo Business Memo

Oslo Business Memo: New Scandinavian PR Alliance

Three small PR agencies have established a Scandinavian alliance to help clients with cross-border activities.


Read the full article here.

Markedsfø mentions Northern PR Network


Markedsfø A new Nordic PR network is born

Kemp & Kjær, Four PR and Mejlænder A/S have founded Northern PR Network as a Scandinavian alternative the to the bigger PR companies.

The goal is to help smaller companies enter the Nordic market.

Read the article from markedsfø here

Northern PR Network mentioned by


Three PR-agencies initiates a nordic network

Danish Kemp & Kjær, Swedish Four PR and Norwegian Mejlænder A/S have taken the initiative to form a Scandinavian PR-collaboration. tells the story of the new Northern PR Network.

Read the article here

Northern PR Network mentioned in Dagens Media


More buzz about Northern PR Network

The biggest swedish marketing magazine Dagens Media has shown an interest in Northern PR Network, a new collaboration across Scandinavia.

There is a growing need for someone to take the cross border interests for non-corporations. Northern PR Network want to be the alternative to big international companies.

Read the article from Dagens Media here

Northern PR Network mentioned by Ö


A Scandinavian PR collaboration have landed 

Four PR, Kemp&Kjær and Mejlænder A/S from Northern PR Network are ready to help smaller companies with a Scandinavian solution.

Ö tells the story of the new collaboration.

Read the article here